Sonnenuntergang über den Dünen der Wüste

The Desert

Written by: Philip Eichkorn Last updated at: June 26, 2024

In the southeast of the Hajar Mountains lies the sandy Wahiba Sands desert. A little further southeast, there are also the Jiddat al-Harasis and the Huqf. The latter two are so-called gravel meadows, which have always been a magnet for tourists and locals alike. Another point of interest is the Rub al-Khali sand desert. “The one desert of Oman” does not exist. Rather, these are individual subareas that are characterized by individual specifics.

Through the sandy desert Wahiba Sands in a jeep

The desert Wahiba Sands is one of the most beautiful deserts in the region. Whoever wants to explore it should inquire about the possibility of a jeep safari. The starting point is often Muscat. Most trips to the Wahiba Sands take one day. That is enough time to get an excellent overview of this particular region of the earth. After a slightly longer drive to the beginning of the desert, the route leads uphill and down the dunes, up and down. A visit to a camel farm or a Bedouin camp is particularly worthwhile. Many providers of jeep tours combine a trip to this desert with a visit to the village of Al Mudayrib, the roots of which go back to the Middle Ages.

Peace and solitude in perfection – Jiddat al-Harasis

The Jiddat al-Harasis is a rocky desert. As the name implies, the region is characterized less by vegetation, but much more by wasteland and stones. Nevertheless, this spot of the earth fascinates. If you are looking for peace, you will find it here. By the way: If you are planning a trip from Nizwa to Salalah, take the route through the Jiddat al-Harasis on a road of several hundred kilometers. The length makes sense – after all, the desert itself is about 50,000 km2 large.

A paradise for archaeologists – Huqf

The Huqf Desert turns out to be a little more varied. Especially archeology fans will get their money’s worth here. The various stone and rock formations and the fossil finds that have been discovered over the decades are particularly impressive. Here, you can find rocks that are among the oldest formations in the world. The route of the tourists often leads through table mountains. Even if the desert is comparatively dry, many animals live here. A part of the Huqf desert is used as a reserve. Among others, the rare Oryx antelopes live here. Other inhabitants of this special region are the Nubian ibex, the honey badger, and the wildcat.

The desert region of Oman by jeep

A jeep tour is the perfect opportunity to experience the deserts of Oman in a special way. However, it is always important to compare the individual offers with each other. The different providers always set a different focus, in connection with which not only different excursion destinations, but also various activities (such as dune surfing) are offered.

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